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China Developing a General Aviation Industry

China’s airspace has traditionally been reserved for commercial aviation (passenger airlines and cargo) and the country’s military.  But that’s starting to change. China’s government is come to understand the importance of general aviation to the country’s progress and has been to try to streamline the...

What You Need To Know About NextGen and SESAR

The U.S. airspace system is in the middle of its largest upgrade ever – a next generation air transportation overhaul that the FAA calls NextGen. What is NextGen? NextGen is an FAA program developed to reduce air traffic delays, improve air safety and increase efficiency. The...

Renovus Capital Partners Acquires Phoenix East Aviation, a Leading Provider of Commercial Pilot Training Worldwide

Renovus Capital Partners Acquires Phoenix East Aviation A Leading Provider of Commercial Pilot Training Wynnewood, PA, March 14, 2013 – Renovus Capital Partners announced the acquisition of Phoenix East Aviation. Renovus is an education-focused private equity firm based outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. As part...

Accelerated Pilot Training: Do You Have What it Takes?

It might surprise you to learn that the actual act of flying an airplane isn’t terribly difficult. It doesn’t take superhero strength or an exceptional intellect.  But getting through an accelerated pilot program like PEA’s pilot training program can be daunting.  Are you up for...

Success Story: Luke Egan

Phoenix East Aviation is commited to the success of each and every student and instructor. Read about how Luke Egan has successfuly achieved the PIC Position with Gama Aviation on a CE-750. Luke:     I am certainly an enthusiast of PEA and the programs...

Student Visas for Flight Training in the U.S.

Students wishing to enter the US for flight training will need a M-1 Student Visa or a F-1 Student Visa. The student should plan to go to a US Embassy in their home country to apply for the visa. As an international student, you must also study at...

ADS-B: What’s the Big Deal?

Many of you have heard about ADS-B and its entry into mainstream aviation. ADS-B is said to be a changing factor in today’s national airspace system, and the FAA has big plans for it.     What is ADS-B? ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast....

FAA Airplane Pilot Statistics Infographic

Based on the data collected and provided by the FAA. We crafted a beautiful infographic that will help visualize the current state of FAA Certificated Airplane Pilots. Couple of notes concerning this Infographic: Many pilots who fly for personal business or pleasure earn higher FAA...

5 Tips for Managing Cockpit Automation

Today’s aircraft are equipped with the latest technology. With systems like ADS-B, GPS and fancy LCD displays, airplanes today can pretty much fly themselves.  Along with technologically advanced aircraft, though, comes a new way of flying for pilots. While cockpit automation can make flying safer,...