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6 Pilot Rules that Everyone Should Live By

Aviate, Navigate, Communicate The principle of “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate” is a fundamental tenet in aviation. There have been numerous aviation studies conducted revealing that pilots can become so engrossed in troubleshooting a problem that they inadvertently neglect their primary task of flying the aircraft. This...
Private Pilot Certificate

6 Different Types Of Pilot Certifications

When a student begins their flight training, oftentimes their end goal is to become a pilot for a major airline. However, there are a number of different pilot licenses and ratings an individual can obtain and it is important to understand the differences between the...
Daytona Beach Shoreline

Aviation in Florida and Weather

Weather plays a crucial role in aviation, impacting both student pilots and commercial pilots alike. Understanding weather conditions is essential for safe and efficient operations. For aspiring pilots, weather knowledge is equally important during their training and while building flight hours. Learning to fly in...
Adrien after receiving his PPL, posing against Cessna with instructor on lefthand side of Cessna with hand on prop

Adrien’s Journey FAA to EASA Conversions

Phoenix East Aviation proudly announced their partnership with South Sweden Flight Academy in August. This partnership allows students the flexibility to start their flight training in either the US or Sweden, and then complete their conversions. Aspiring aviators gain a premium offering allowing them to...

Learn More About Women in Aviation International

Welcome to the latest edition of PEA’s newsletter, where we take flight into the captivating world of aviation organizations. In this issue, we aim to shed light on the pivotal role that these organizations play in shaping the aviation industry and fostering its growth. Among...