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Basic Private Pilot Knowledge Everyone Should Know

Flying an aircraft is an experience that captures the imagination of many, and understanding some fundamental concepts of aviation is essential for all aspiring pilots. Let’s delve into the fundamentals of flight, exploring aircraft categories, the intricacies of airplane structure, the four forces of flight,...

Traits of a Successful Commercial Pilot

Successful commercial pilots possess a high level of technical skills, such as understanding how an aircraft works and how to operate it. Flying also requires exceptional cognitive skills like being able to think quickly and being able to learn and retain information. Theoretically, a pilot...
aerial shot of Daytona Beach shoreline

5 Non-Airline Pilot Jobs to Consider

As the old saying goes, “sky is not the limit, it is only the beginning.” This quote resonates with many aviators, particularly those beginning their journey at Phoenix East Aviation. It serves as a reminder that the opportunities are as boundless as the sky itself...
PEA Cessna N6345B in flight from formation photoshoot

Guide to Checkrides

Passing a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) practical exam, or checkride, is a crucial milestone in a pilot’s career as it demonstrates their proficiency in applying knowledge to real-world flying scenarios, validates their ability to operate an aircraft safely, and is a mandatory requirement for obtaining...
Cessna Wing shot overlooking Daytona Beach coastline during the day

Difference Between VFR and IFR

As a student pilot, learning the different flight terms and abbreviations can be tricky. It’s important to understand the proper terms and what they mean before you enter the flight deck. Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) are two vital terms in...
Amelie Coleman, Director of Sales and Marketing with Harmeet from TNC with former PEA students Tegvir and Ashish

PEA & TNC Seminars in India

Established in 2009, TNC Aviation has been at the forefront of pilot training in India. Their flight training programs are designed to offer strong ground school instruction alongside practical flying experience; a combination that is crucial for becoming a pilot. Embarking on a career within...
PEA Cessna N6345B from formation photoshoot over field during sunset

Guide to a Student’s First Solo Flight

You may have heard the phrase “flying solo,” which typically means to “go one’s own way.” For student pilots, this has a literal meaning. There comes a point where a student is ready to fly on their own and demonstrate their capabilities as a pilot...