5 Amazing Night Flying Photos
1. Bulgaria Air 737

A Bulgaria Air 737 Departs Sofia Airport, October 26, 2006. Photo Credit Ognyan Stefanov/Pixstel Photography/Airliners.net
2. F/A 18C

An F/A 18C Hornet approaches the USS Ronald Reagan in the Arabian Gulf, May 18, 2011. Photo credit U.S. Navy/Alexander
3. Airshow lights, Melbourne Australia

Airshow lights, Melbourne Australia, March 2009. Photo credit Lnk.Si/Flickr
4. A U.S. Navy MV-22 Osprey

A U.S. Navy MV-22 Osprey takes off from the USS Boxer, an amphibious assault ship off the coast of California. October 29, 2012. Photo credit U.S. Navy
5. SFO Congestion at Night

SFO Congestion at Night, Runways 17L and 17R, San Francisco International Airport (SFO), July 17,2009. Photo Credit Terence Chang/Flickr